My Blog~Fitness Tips, Nutrition Psychology, Learnings, Inspiration & Teachings for Women to reference during difficult times in their lives. All for Body & Health.
10 Principals To Heal Your Relationship With Exercise & Stop Punishing Yourself!
10 Principals To Heal Your Relationship With Exercise & Stop Punishing Yourself!
Let’s unwind these feelings together!
No More New Year’s Resolutions.
Resolutions can be considered distorted “unhelpful” ideas or thoughts. Goals on the other hand, focus on mental clarity, planning, ambition and a desire to change. Goals require tapping into one’s unique potential and strengths.
Overcoming A Perfectionist Mindset
Many women who express their perfectionism by creating their ideal body or weight actually achieve their goals and get the body they want, but still find themselves unhappy. They want to look perfect so others approve of them and desire them, and yet, they can’t enjoy the benefits of all their dieting and exercise.
Perfectionism tends to take us out of our body and into our head.
🤬WTF-What the f@ck .... Why are my thoughts spiralling out of control? And how can I make them stop?
🤬WTF-What the f@ck .... Why are my thoughts spiralling out of control? And how can I make them stop?
Infrared Sauna 101: Aka Hyperthermia: What It Is, What It Benefits + How To Use It
Infrared Sauna 101: Aka Hyperthermia: What It Is, What It Benefits + How To Use It.
STOP Emotional Eating: 10 Habits Of Healthy Eaters
Emotional eaters typically lack the coping skills necessary to deal with stress, pain, fear, and loneliness and so they use food as a drug to deal with them. Typically, their diet is far from healthy and depending on how often they use food to cope with life, it can be downright harmful. Many times, emotional eaters do not know what a healthy diet looks like because they are stuck in the vicious cycle of binging when life’s problems becoming too overwhelming.
Introducing My Signature 16 Week Program: REVIVE Aesthetic Lean Strength Training & Nutrition For Women
Introducing My Signature 16 Week Program: REVIVE Aesthetic Lean Strength Training & Nutrition For Women
60 Integrative- Metabolic Therapies I Used To Put Me Into Remission
I am committed to using this platform to give you a glimpse into my integrative metabolic approach to cancer and to the resiliency it takes to overcome adversity in life...whether it is about chronic disease, relationships, body image, health, fitness, etc...what ever you are struggling with - I am here to share my journey of tenacity and resiliency with you to help propel you to take action despite the circumstances.
The truth is that you possess great resiliency, and you are armed with all the information you need to reclaim a vibrant life and your health.
I promise 💕🧠 T
Coffee Enemas As An Integrative Anti-Cancer Therapy
An enema is a type of colon cleanse using water, coffee or other liquids,
I am currently using enemas throughout the week to prevent cancer re-occurrence and to detoxify my body.
Read More….
Step One To Start To Heal From Cancer
Step one to start to heal from cancer
When dealing with cancer, see it as your opportunity to wake up & put your body back into a relaxed self-repair state so that you can heal.
The reason why one person may experience a spontaneous remission, NED or cure, and another person does NOT is sometimes a result of “disordered thinking.”
The Chronicles Of A Healed Woman: An Intimate Look Inside The Journal Entries Of A Woman Healing Her Life & Her Cancer. This is about Radical Healing.
The Chronicles Of A Healed Woman: An Intimate Look Inside The Journal Entries Of A Woman Healing Her Life & Her Cancer. This is about Radical Healing.
How TRAUMA Is Preventing Your Progress In Fitness
Are you asking yourself right now… What does trauma have to do with my progress in fitness?
Well, the answer is… A LOT.
A traumatic experience (big or small) (past or present) can affect personal actions, choices, and lifestyle. Also, trauma can find a permanent home in cells and can create havoc on your physiology.
As a long time women’s Coach with a psychology degree, I have witnessed countless women overreact to eating something, shut down because a workout didn’t go as expected, panic, avoid communication, rage, disappear and simply be unable to “cope” with the overwhelming urge to binge, restrict, workout excessively, or resort to other unhealthy behaviours.
So, my job is to look for signs of trauma to help explain their resistance to change and their bodies’ response to coaching.
How To Exercise When You Hate Exercising
If you’d like to chat about the possibility of this for you, just email me with the words "I Hate Exercise" in the subject line, and let’s see if we can work together.
How To Use The Hunger Scale To Repair Your Relationship With Eating and Weight Loss
One of the ways diet culture hooks you in is by telling you, you wouldn’t be able to manage your eating without calories, points, macro counting, or a list of “good and bad foods” to keep things in check. They point out that you would just gorge yourself silly on food otherwise. The best tools are your hunger and fullness cues.
What’s New In 2021 With Tania Atkin?
Behind every successful woman is her badass self…
Over the years I have watched many women, friends and clients worlds’ shatter from stress, mental illness, body image issues, unhealthy relationship with food, poor habits, chronic dieting, depression, conflicted relationships, trauma, parenting, productivity, and employment, especially now as we have to find a new way of LIFE!!!
How To Stay On Track With Your Health and Fitness During The Holidays
Staying on track during the holidays does not have to be stressful.
Learn how to manage….
These strong feelings can steal your joy and confidence. For people who know what it is like to suffer from Imposter Syndrome, they will likely tell you how it robs them of self-confidence and creates endless feelings of self-doubt around their true abilities.
7 Sustainable Ways To Lose Weight Without Fad Diets
They often lead to a cycle of gaining weight and losing weight often referred to as weight cycling, where successful weight loss is followed by another unintentional weight regain.
How to Cultivate Resilience and Mental Wellness in Our Changed World
Currently, the coronavirus pandemic has deeply impacted lives all across the globe, with substantial unintended mental health consequences, disordered eating habits and physical signs of stress in women.
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