Coffee Enemas As An Integrative Anti-Cancer Therapy
What is it?
An enema is a type of colon cleanse using water, coffee or other infused liquids.
I am currently using enemas throughout the week to prevent cancer re-occurrence and to detoxifiy my body from treatment toxins. Coffee enemas are a colon-cleansing practice that involves channeling coffee water into the rectum and colon via the anal opening in order to induce various health benefits. Although documented in practice around 100 years ago, coffee enemas are thought to be an ancient practice. Coffee enemas were most popularized in the 1930s by Dr. Max Gerson for the treatment of degenerative diseases, and most notably, cancer.
What are the Benefits?
Coffee enemas have so many powerful benefits.
They’re an effective means of resolving constipation and encouraging bowel regularity. They stimulate the smooth muscles of the intestines in order to “get things moving.” This has big implications when it comes to proper detox. Having daily bowel movements is necessary for carrying waste and toxins out of the body.
During a coffee enema, compounds from the organic coffee open up blood vessels to improve circulation. When the compounds are circulated to the liver, they are believed to help open up bile ducts and increase bile production and flow. This aids in both digestion and toxin excretion.
Coffee enemas have also been noted to strengthen immunity, improve the appearance of the skin, boost energy, and even improve mood.
Perhaps the strongest case for the benefit of coffee enemas is that they cleanse the liver while stimulating the production of glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant, and it plays an important role in cleansing the blood and down-regulating inflammation throughout the body.(Read Research:
In short, the benefits of coffee enemas may include:
🚽 Improved immune system
🚽Increase master antioxidant-Glutathione by 600%
🚽Reduces inflammation, pain, swelling, fatigue
🚽Optimizes Mental health (ie) reduces anxiety, depression, etc..
🚽Relieves constipation, bowel issues
🚽Puts you into a parasympathetic (rest & relax) state
🚽Helps promote sleep
🚽Stimulates nervous system to balance itself
🚽Stimulates lymphatic drainage
🚽Boost + detoxes liver & colon, removes waste, yeast, parasites
🚽Alkalizing /PH balance
🚽Helps most gut issues
🚽Blood Purification
The Role In Healing Cancer:
Inflammation contributes to metabolic issues in the body, increasing chances on chronic dis-ease.As per Gerson Therapy; enemas are required profoundly boost immune system and eliminate free radicals cells from the body.
🧬Glutathione: the palmitic acids in coffee (kahweol and cafestol palmitate) — are absorbed into the portal vein system, which leads directly to your liver. These palmitic acids boost one of the body’s most powerful detoxifier, the glutathione s-transferase (GST) enzyme system, by up to 700 percent! GST captures and metabolizes toxins and binds them with reduced glutathione (the body’s master antioxidant) in the liver and escorts them out of the body via the colon.
🧬Increase GST-protects bone marrow, improves immunity, prevent chemotherapy side effects etc..
Some Notes on Coffee Enemas:
It is best to do a coffee enema immediately after having a bowel movement if possible.
Some practitioners recommend taking a binder before and after a coffee enema to help excretion of toxins.
I suggest doing an enema about twice weekly or more frequently if you have cancer, but it is important to talk to your healthcare provider
Supplement with minerals/electrolytes after each enema, as they have the potential to dehydrate and drain the body of these.
Store coffee in the refrigerator or freezer.
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