How To Stay On Track With Your Health and Fitness During The Holidays
The holiday season is upon us!
Piling on the pounds, feeling defeated and losing sight of your health and fitness goals during the holiday season does not need to happen…
With holiday parties, New Year’s Eve celebrations and all of the festivities in between, it can be tricky to stay on track with you health and fitness and not become completely derailed.
But with the right plan and strategies, keeping your behaviours in check and your fitness goals alive, it is certainly possible to stay fit.
Here are my top tips for staying on track the holidays:
1-Stay Active: No matter what… you don’t need to be hitting the gym every day, but be mindful to move! Go for a walk after dinner walk to help digestion, play a sport with the family or do short HIIT workouts 12-15 mins before breakfast.
2-Get A Good Night Sleep: I know it’s party season, but don’t neglect your sleep. Being sleep deprived can cascade into other issues such as feelings of increased hunger, mood issues and hormone problems.
3- Practice Mindful Eating: Food is everywhere this season and whilst you should never have to miss out, having a planned out and mindful approach to eating will certainly help you t stay accountable. Opt for healthy food swaps and healthy snacks where you can.
4- Eat Your Protein And Greens First: Before you head out to a festivity or party make sure you’ve had your protein and your greens so that your hunger cues are on point and you are not feeling ravenness and bingeing on snacky-sugary carbohydrates.
5- Make A Schedule To Celebrate With Food: Embrace the social aspect of eating. Enjoy eating with your friends and family. Plan out the days that you are having your treats or extra food and on those days ensure you drink a lot of water, eat your protein first, and get a workout in to put the extra calories to work!
Happy Holidays To You
Gratitude & Love
6-Putting Down Your Utensils During Meals: During your celebrations/ desired meals, try putting your utensils down and enjoying the conversation to slow down you’re eating.
7-Stay Accountable: Train with friends or online with a fitness plan you enjoy. Even if workouts are shorter, it’s better than nothing at all.
8-Enjoy Yourself: Let’s get real… It has been a really long 2021. Try to reduce your stress and slow down during the holidays, as this can lead to reducing overall weight gain, dis-ease in the body and recovery in your mind.