My Blog~Fitness Tips, Nutrition Psychology, Learnings, Inspiration & Teachings for Women to reference during difficult times in their lives. All for Body & Health.
No More New Year’s Resolutions.
Resolutions can be considered distorted “unhelpful” ideas or thoughts. Goals on the other hand, focus on mental clarity, planning, ambition and a desire to change. Goals require tapping into one’s unique potential and strengths.
How To Exercise When You Hate Exercising
If you’d like to chat about the possibility of this for you, just email me with the words "I Hate Exercise" in the subject line, and let’s see if we can work together.
What’s New In 2021 With Tania Atkin?
Behind every successful woman is her badass self…
Over the years I have watched many women, friends and clients worlds’ shatter from stress, mental illness, body image issues, unhealthy relationship with food, poor habits, chronic dieting, depression, conflicted relationships, trauma, parenting, productivity, and employment, especially now as we have to find a new way of LIFE!!!
How to Build Resilience in our CHANGED WORLD
Resilience is a tool that helps us navigate CHANGE.
Resilience can be built through self-reflection, shifting, and refocusing your goals.
Let’s get real ....you can plan for everything to go a certain way, but the true test of resilience is in acknowledging your emotions and responding to change as a learning experience RATHER THAN BECOMING THE VICTIM OF CHANGE.
Start your journey
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