Multiple Myeloma (MM) Anti-Cancer Resources
My Integrative & Metabolic Approach To Optimal Health & Survivorship
My Cancer Journey
It all began in 2022, when I had just finished competing in another WBFF World Pro Show in Las Vegas.I was feeling great, not signs of illness. I’ve been competing for 30 years, and became a guru of health, fitness & nutrition … How could I get CANCER? I am an athlete, and I was doing everything "right!" Luckly, over the years, I had put together a team of Integrative Practitioners to monitor my health, and upon return from Las Vegas, I went for my routine blood panels at my Endocrinologist, Hormone Health Specialist and she noticed that I was anemic. Usual. We attempted to resolve it with supplements and rest, but still no change. We monitored my blood for 2 months, but during that time, I felt severe rib and back pain. I figured I just injured myself lifting aagin, because in deed, during one of my intense leg workouts (on the hack machine), I thought I "lost my legs" and I collapsed to the floor in pain. On that day, I compressed my T9 vertebra 40% ( but I still didn't know I had cancer at that time.) I treated the rib and back pain like a normal injury and attempted every type therapy under the sun andI tried to rehabilitate myself with my exercise knowledge... But nothing helped. I couldn’t even walk! So much pain! Not long after, I started to feel very "winded/out of breath" which was very unusual for me. Next, came a sinus infection. which lead to excessive nose bleeds. My nose would bleed so badly, that the clots looked like parts of my brain were existing my nose... It was at that point, my intuition said something was really wrong, but I never expected Cancer. The nose bleeds lasted six months, and pain is better now, but is still active. On Feb. 14th, 2022, I had just come back from a Valentine Day spa date with my husband when I receive the dreaded phone call at home from a very dear doctor who told me "You have Cancer-Multiple Myeloma." Words that forever change your life.
There are no words that can explain the feeling of shock, despair, disbelief, anger, sadness, and loss. I collapsed to the floor screaming, just wanting to die right there and then, because I knew the journey might be too hard to endure. That evening, I sent my husband off to basketball with my son, so that I could compose myself. I went upstairs in my bedroom, put music on as loud as I could, stood there barely clothed, in front of the mirror and actually for the first time, I allowed the energy to flow through me from the beat of the music I was listening too. I spoke aload to my body & my inner child and promised that I was going to use my gifts and experience to get through this cancering process and be cancer free. Multiple Myeloma was not going to take away my life!
Listen to my story below… And read my BLOG.
Within the following (7) days, I created an Integrative Supplement Protocol, put together a team of professional to help me and to support me through chemotherapy. I did 26 weeks of chemotherapy and an autologous stem cell transplant all within 8 months, with no side-effects or secondary infections/ problems, etc. and I had normal blood labs on repeat. I continued to exercise throughout chemo and my transplant and I went about my life as I needed too, except with a much different perspective on life. I was discharged early for being so healthy! None of the doctors could figure out how I managed to survive these treatments so seamlessly.
As of February 14th, 2023, I am in complete remission and THRIVING... It is now my life's mission to help other MM'er through their cancering process and teach them that there are many non-toxic, evidence-based therapies that can give them quality of life, reduce side effects and toxicity lower pain, reduce drug resistance and have better overall survival.
To find out what I did check out my Survival Guide which has my entire Integrative protocol and full supplement list…
How I Can Support You
The Multiple Myeloma journey is so challenging as it is… I aspire to be your constant motivation, someone who can provide resources on the best Non-Conventional & Integrative Practices.
The Chemotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant Survival Guide I created is your best resource to manage your MM journey.
I am here to empower you to be a lifelong THRIVER.
Multiple Myeloma is suggested to be an “incurable blood cancer” but in my opinion, it should be recognized as a “metabolic condition” that can be healed.
Mistletoe Therapy & MM
The liquid extract of the mistletoe leaves and berries has been used in Europe as an adjunct method to treat cancer for nearly a century. Mistletoe injections are currently among the most widely used complementary cancer treatments in Europe. Only the European species of the mistletoe plant (viscum album) is used for cancer treatment. Mistletoe can be used in malignant and non-malignant tumors, for stimulation of bone marrow activity, alongside conventional treatments to offset the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation (i.e. nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite), diminish tumor related pain, and reduce the risk of tumor recurrence. Mistletoe is particularly good for bone marrow production & bone health in MM
Questions To Ask Your Oncologist
Multiple Myeloma is a complicated blood cancer & each stage of your journey brings a different set of questions, concerns and decisions.
The questions you may ask about treatment for an early stage diagnosis of MM will be different than questions you ask about an autologous stem cell transplant.
Below is a list of guided questions that you can bring to your appointments
Medicinal Mushrooms In The Treatment Of MM
Research states“…the mushroom (Agaricus blazei Murrill) extract has both cytotoxic and immunomodulating antitumor mechanisms of action in myeloma.”
Other medicinal mushrooms are both cytotoxic to MM and can moderate the side effects of high-dose therapies such as an autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT).
They boost immune system, cause cancer cell death, reduce side effects, help with drug resistance, increase progression free survival, increase quality of life + more…
Why Is Taking An Integrative Oncology Approach The Best Way To Control MM?
Integrative Oncology is a patient-centered, evidence-informed field of cancer care. In this practice, we utilize mindbody practices, natural remedies, evidence-based non-conventional therapies/ supplements & naturopathic medicine and lifestyle modifications, alongside conventional cancer treatments. Integrative oncology aims to optimize health, survival, quality of life, and clinical outcomes across the cancering process, and this care is aimed to empower people to be preventative about cancer and become active participants in thier care, before, during, and beyond cancer treatment.
Key benefits of Integrative Oncology includes:
Improve clinical outcome, survivorship and quality of life
Improve body’s immunity & strength
Managing side effects & symptoms
Reduce treatment toxicity & side effects
Reduce chances of cancer relapse
Complementary/Non- Conventional Treatment: Non-FDA approved, but highly clinically proven in research, evidence-based therapies that support or enhance conventional therapies- with side effects & symptoms management through scientific evidence-based protocols involving Medical Cannabis, HBOT, Mistletoe Therapy Anti cancer diet, Medicinal Mushrooms, IV’s, Anti-Angiogenic Nutrition , Curcumum, Non-Toxix Supplements, etc. Dependant on your stage, side effects and needs.
These therapies have all been shown to enhance the efficacy of Standard of Care myeloma therapies. Some of these therapies have been shown to be cytotoxic (kill) to myeloma on their own, which is extremely hopeful.
Conventional: FDA approved therapies including surgery, radiation, toxic maintenance drugs, and chemotherapy. Examples of conventional therapies for multiple myeloma are chemotherapy such as Revlimid, Velcade, Daratumumab, etc. Local radiation to zap a myeloma lesion or a procedure such as kyphplasty to stabilize the patient’s spine.