Step One To Start To Heal From Cancer
When dealing with a Cancering Process, it is important to see it as your opportunity to wake up & put your body back into a relaxed, self-repair state so that you can actual physically heal. The reason why one person may experience a spontaneous remission, NED or a cure, and another person does NOT, is sometimes a result of “disordered thinking.” Yes! your mind plays a big role in healing from your Cancer diagnosis.
I am already healed, whole and symptom free
You see, even if your conscious mind believes that you can get well, your subconscious mind may disagree with you which sabotages your healing efforts.
What if you changed your self-sabotaging beliefs to allow for the possibility that you might be one of those “medical miracles” reported in thousands of research journals, and may be free of what other people consider to be an incurable illness? This CAN BE YOU!
Your hopeless, doubtful beliefs might just be the reason why your struggling in you healing journey. Negative thoughts can limit your body from repairing itself because it sends the wrong message to your primitive brain.
Let’s open our minds & shift some beliefs with these five actionable steps:
1️⃣The first step is really truly believe that you can heal without a subconscious DOUBT. Remember, your beliefs manifest in your body.
2️⃣ Bring your body back to a relaxation response so that you can quiet your mind, observe your thoughts only, & become more receptive to changing your beliefs neurologically.
Try using any meditation technique, repeating positive affirmations, creating statements to affirm how you want your body to feel. For example: I am healed, whole healthy and symptom-free- repeat these activities throughout the day.
3️⃣ Visualizing a healthy body-Be specific about this- Look up the anatomy of your illness (healthy vs unhealthy) and close your eyes, breathe deeply, and see your body “cured” of all illnesses, visualizing the healthy organs and tissues in your minds eye.Do this with intent! Here is where you see yourself completely disease-free, vital, & full of health. Feel, see, smell & even taste your new reality in as much detail as you can possibly. *Detailed visualizations and affirmations help the brain imprint the new beliefs into the subconscious mind!*
4️⃣ Make a conscious effort to avoid ALL negative thoughts and quickly change them into a healthy affirmation. Focus on the health and life that you want, not on the things that you don’t want to happen. Oddly enough, the subconscious does not hear negations- meaning that when you say; “I don’t want be sick my whole life,” it hears the opposite- “I DO want to be sick.”
5️⃣ Remember that how we choose our words reflects our inner-subconscious terrain/ environment which is reflected by our beliefs about our health condition. By changing our words, we can shift into a healing energy.
At the core of healing Cancer, your body needs to hear new positive, grateful messages on ongoing basis and a sincere belief and trust that the divine intelligence of your body will recalibarte your innate system.
Hope that these steps are helpful,
T xo