60 Integrative- Metabolic Therapies I Used To Put Me Into Remission
Cancer is a Test of Resiliency!
People always ask me what did I do to heal from cancer...
Because I was diagnosed in Feb.14 2022, and within eight months, I was in full remission!
Well, first things first, don't underestimate how resilient humans can be, and how we can transform in our toughest times, IF we make that choice... I made that choice, to take an Integrative-Metabolic Approach to healing from stage 1 IGG Kappa Multiple Myeloma. All I knew is that I wasn't going let cancer be my story. No way in HELL…
✅ I dug deep into my knowledge, experience and education because I knew if I relied on the conventional medical model, I would be dead in no time, mostly from the toxic treatments, not actually from the primary cancer!
✅ I built a team of integrative practitioners who could support me the way that I wanted to be supported.
✅ I did really hard things every day day and a day out while everybody else was getting on with their lives. And, let me tell you it was harder than I could ever explain in words.
✅ I put my steel armour on when I went into the conventional system, and only took the information I needed to give me clues as to my next alternative protocol, while protecting my energy.
✅ I NEVER doubted my innate ability to heal and I practiced a healthy dose of denial.
✅ I denied conventional treatment maintenance treatment due to the toxicity and secondary cancer risk.
✅ I realized just how much cancer is an emotionally based dis-ease and I started there and revisited old wounds, mended relationships, forgave myself, accepted my past etc...The emotional component of dis-ease is by far the hardest part of recovery!
✅ For the first time of my life, I let go of other peoples opinions and just listen to the intuitive whispers of my soul to beat cancer or should I say this chronic condition that was my messager once and for all!
Now, it has been 1.5years in remission, but I have a long way to go yet... At year 5, I may relax a bit 😂 until then I will keep tweaking my integrative protocols, evolving emotionally, and physically, checking my blood labs monthly, fine-tuning my supplements & using every free biohacking trick out there... 🧠☀️💧🍃🦶
Always start with the therapies that are FREE
Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, Joy, Laughter, Nature, Grounding, Sunshine, Social. Connections, Hydration, Rest, Prayer, Meditation, Visualization, Self Massage, Breathwork, Air…
I am committed to using this platform to give you a glimpse into my Integrative-Metabolic Approach to healing cancer and to the resiliency it takes to overcome massive adversity in life. Whether adversity is about chronic disease, relationships, body image, health, fitness, etc...whatever you are struggling with - I am here to share my journey of tenacity and resiliency with you to help propel you to take action despite the circumstances.
The truth is that you possess great resiliency, and you are armed with all the information you need to reclaim a vibrant life and your health.
Here are the lists of Integrative Therapies I used: