My Blog~Fitness Tips, Nutrition Psychology, Learnings, Inspiration & Teachings for Women to reference during difficult times in their lives. All for Body & Health.
Choc Chip Protein Pancake
Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to go without some of your favorite foods! These chocolate pancakes are low in calories and fat but loaded with protein to get your day off to a great start. Quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients!
The Social Eating Resource Guide For Eating Out
The Social Eating Resource Guide For Eating Out
Here are some easy to follow suggestions to allow you to feel empowered when you are out dining with friends and family and still wanting to meet your goals:
STOP Comparing Yourself!
Regardless of where you are in your fitness journey, you constantly feel like you are not where you “should be,” that everyone else is doing better than you and that your efforts are not good enough! This is called the comparison game. And if you're stuck in this game it feels soul-sucking and crashing.
How to Build Resilience in our CHANGED WORLD
Resilience is a tool that helps us navigate CHANGE.
Resilience can be built through self-reflection, shifting, and refocusing your goals.
Let’s get real ....you can plan for everything to go a certain way, but the true test of resilience is in acknowledging your emotions and responding to change as a learning experience RATHER THAN BECOMING THE VICTIM OF CHANGE.
Recipe: Chocolate Macaroons
It needs to be nutrient-dense and based on whole foods, not processed or refined foods. It needs to be nourishing and meet the individual needs of the person eating it, particularly athletic performance.
Ease your stress away
Just print and colour away. You can determine what stresses are affecting you and you can begin to focus on each one. Adapted from Precision Nutrition
What is Intermittent Fasting?
Intermittent fasting is just taking “intermittent times of fasting.” This is a period of time where you do not consume food or calorie-dense liquids. The time frame in which you choose to fast is dependent on your lifestyle and personal schedule. (IF) can be practiced daily or a few times a week.
Recipe: Protein Date Balls
It needs to be nutrient-dense and based on whole foods, not processed or refined foods. It needs to be nourishing and meet the individual needs of the person eating it, particularly athletic performance.
3 Strategies To Emotional Stress Eating
But we all know those tasty treats can’t take away the stress! Most women who struggle with emotional eating feel guilty and trapped afterward, which only perpetuates the “weight hate” cycle.
Fittest Hottest 100 Women in Canadian Fitness
#fittest #hottest100 women in Canadian Fitness
Are you aware of your stress?
Monitoring your stress levels, using a scale, is one way to ensure that you recognize and acknowledge that stress exists in your life and makes you aware of how your body is feeling at that moment.
Monitoring stress allows you to implement the appropriate relaxation techniques (i.e. breath work) to help you become resilient and positively adapted.
Welcome to Tania Atkin
I have been in the fitness industry for over two decades. I am a retired gymnast, a professional fitness athlete, published fitness model, writer, Certified in Sports Performance Coach, Personal Training Specialist, Group Fitness Specialist, Spin(Reebok, Keiser, Schwinn), Pilates & Barre
Sports Specific Training Certified Coach, Certified Club Management Specialist, Program Director Specialist, Certified Reebok Ripped Coach, Certified Kinesis Coach, along with several other specialty certifications in different areas of fitness.
Mindset - 10 Keys to Success in the Sport of Fitness
As a professional fitness athlete, I am not blessed with willpower to have things come easily to me. I have proactively created opportunities and developed good habits and behaviors with a lot of time, awareness, and effort.
Relationship 101- I Love You Isn't Enough
Ask yourself this; do you have a partner that supports “you” and your healthy lifestyle, eating habits, and your training routine?
Time To Get Resilient - 22 Easy Steps
Resilience is about taking traumatic events or stress in general and turning it into post-growth and personal development experience.
Relationship 101 - Love Language
Understanding how your partner expresses & receives love is essential for a successful relationship and to guarantee less stress in your life...
What Are Re-Feed Meals?
A Re-Feed Meal is a hyper-caloric meal that helps to minimize the downregulation of hormones, to increase glycogen stores in the muscle, and to minimize cravings and to ward off catabolism.
Do You Over Exercise?
Researchers have identified this thing called “over-exercise.” And trust me I’ve been there! Far too many women operate under the assumption that more exercise is better. But it is not. When it comes to exercise and movement, the body has its natural limits and it will eventually hit a wall!
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