My Blog~Fitness Tips, Nutrition Psychology, Learnings, Inspiration & Teachings for Women to reference during difficult times in their lives. All for Body & Health.
60 Integrative- Metabolic Therapies I Used To Put Me Into Remission
I am committed to using this platform to give you a glimpse into my integrative metabolic approach to cancer and to the resiliency it takes to overcome adversity in life...whether it is about chronic disease, relationships, body image, health, fitness, etc...what ever you are struggling with - I am here to share my journey of tenacity and resiliency with you to help propel you to take action despite the circumstances.
The truth is that you possess great resiliency, and you are armed with all the information you need to reclaim a vibrant life and your health.
I promise 💕🧠 T
Coffee Enemas As An Integrative Anti-Cancer Therapy
An enema is a type of colon cleanse using water, coffee or other liquids,
I am currently using enemas throughout the week to prevent cancer re-occurrence and to detoxify my body.
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How TRAUMA Is Preventing Your Progress In Fitness
Are you asking yourself right now… What does trauma have to do with my progress in fitness?
Well, the answer is… A LOT.
A traumatic experience (big or small) (past or present) can affect personal actions, choices, and lifestyle. Also, trauma can find a permanent home in cells and can create havoc on your physiology.
As a long time women’s Coach with a psychology degree, I have witnessed countless women overreact to eating something, shut down because a workout didn’t go as expected, panic, avoid communication, rage, disappear and simply be unable to “cope” with the overwhelming urge to binge, restrict, workout excessively, or resort to other unhealthy behaviours.
So, my job is to look for signs of trauma to help explain their resistance to change and their bodies’ response to coaching.
7 Sustainable Ways To Lose Weight Without Fad Diets
They often lead to a cycle of gaining weight and losing weight often referred to as weight cycling, where successful weight loss is followed by another unintentional weight regain.
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