My Blog~Fitness Tips, Nutrition Psychology, Learnings, Inspiration & Teachings for Women to reference during difficult times in their lives. All for Body & Health.
STOP Emotional Eating: 10 Habits Of Healthy Eaters
Emotional eaters typically lack the coping skills necessary to deal with stress, pain, fear, and loneliness and so they use food as a drug to deal with them. Typically, their diet is far from healthy and depending on how often they use food to cope with life, it can be downright harmful. Many times, emotional eaters do not know what a healthy diet looks like because they are stuck in the vicious cycle of binging when life’s problems becoming too overwhelming.
Ease your stress away
Just print and colour away. You can determine what stresses are affecting you and you can begin to focus on each one. Adapted from Precision Nutrition
3 Strategies To Emotional Stress Eating
But we all know those tasty treats can’t take away the stress! Most women who struggle with emotional eating feel guilty and trapped afterward, which only perpetuates the “weight hate” cycle.
Are you aware of your stress?
Monitoring your stress levels, using a scale, is one way to ensure that you recognize and acknowledge that stress exists in your life and makes you aware of how your body is feeling at that moment.
Monitoring stress allows you to implement the appropriate relaxation techniques (i.e. breath work) to help you become resilient and positively adapted.
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