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Time To Get Resilient - 22 Easy Steps

Resilience is about taking traumatic events or stress in general and turning it into post-growth and personal development experience. 

It’s about learning from events and experiences, rather than nonchalantly just bouncing back. It is about bending in different ways rot adapt to the new situation as best as possible. It can be seen as an opportunity to change and do things differently.

Steps to Building Resilience 

1. Take a break, or pause, nourish yourself, with self-care and good food to help manage the daily grind

2. Invest in yourself/training/nutrition, maybe hire a Coach 

3. Surround yourself with a support tribe of women. Women that can lend an ear and offer a different perspective.

4. Finding moments of gratitude each day

5. Integrating mindfulness. Finding small moments each day to meditate and bring awareness to the body and breath 

6. Take care of yourself before others, especially if you are a Mother. You are the priority first. How you treat yourself determines how you expect to be treated by the world and how you will treat your family and children

7. Book “Me Time “ in a calendar and stick to it 

8. Set boundaries with family and friends. Tune into feelings and be direct with others. Do not let yourself be “pushed around.” Ask for what you need and want without hesitation. Be clear and firm. Do not over-explain because you have the right those choices. 

prioritize moments 

9. Remember, it’s ok not to be okay

10. Accept where you are right now and take action to change your situation 

11. Own your feelings, cry, get angry, take the day to be in a bad mood 

12. Problem solve and reach out for help

13. Take a Wellness Day: Go for a spa treatment, a walk, a massage, a coffee date, anything that makes you feel happy

14. Be aware of trying to be superhuman (meaning saying you are always happy and okay) ...there is always some conflict underneath those statements... 

15. Really try to get back into a hopeful space by creating positive thoughts. Be in thoughts of gratitude to release happy hormones-(ie) serotonin. Image your future self exactly as your dream about her. Picture her in your mind daily.  

16. Meltdown moments will not go away, but the way you perceive can change. View “messy days” as an opportunity to explore what needs to change in your life

17. Emotional fitness is important too

18. You are not you were negative thoughts

19. Master your own mind by re-writing your life story

20. Challenge your thoughts because they’re playing games with the truth

21. Check-in with your thoughts daily and refocus and recognize that your ego may be trying to protect you by creating a false scenario.

22. Consistency, dedication, and tenacity are required to identify and reprogram your negative thoughts and build resiliency

Equip yourself to better handle stress, recharge your body, and get the long-lasting results. 

Tania Atkin